Österreichische Gesellschaft für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Willkommen bei der ÖGAA!

Membership and donations

The ÖGAA has full, supporting and honorary members. All natural persons who have a special interest in the promotion of astronomy and astrophysics in Austria, as well as legal persons and partnerships with legal capacity with the same interests, can become members of the association.

The Executive Board decides on the admission of full and supporting members. Any membership application needs the support of two regular members. The Executive Board nominates honorary memberships for special services to Austrian astronomy and astrophysics, which then needs to be approved by the General Assembly.

Annual membership fees are currently €20 for full members and €100 for supporting members. The work of the ÖGAA can also be supported by donations.

Please send membership fees and donations to: 

IBAN: AT51 1200 0520 0353 4301
Bank Austria-Creditanstalt, BIC: BKAUATWW

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