The ÖGAA has set up the following working groups to pursue its primary goals:
The Austrian ESO Committee is the interface between ESO and the Austrian community, as well as the first point of contact for the responsible federal ministry. Its task is to forward ESO-related information to the community, to represent the interests of the community towards ESO, and to forward relevant information from ESO to the Austrian economy. In addition, her task is to inform the board of the ÖGAA about the progress of the various in-kind contributions as long as Austria is obliged to deliver in-kind contributions to ESO.
As the Austrian point of contact for astronomical and astrophysical matters, the ÖGAA operates an active information policy, puts interested persons or institutions in touch with relevant competent contact persons and participates in national astronomical initiatives.
The artificial brightening of the natural night sky is increasingly affecting observation possibilities of professional and amateur astronomers. Since this problem also has cultural, economic and ecological aspects, it is dealt with by the ÖGAA in interdisciplinary cooperation.
In order to provide a platform for initiatives regarding the preservation of astronomical cultural heritage (e.g. historical buildings and instruments), the ÖGAA has formed a corresponding working group. The working group is currently coordinated by Josef Hron. Interest in cooperation and suggestions for specific projects can be communicated by email to The working group is currently trying to preserve and revitalize the buildings of the Rothschild-Coudé and the astrograph in the park of the university observatory (see
The aim of the working group is to publicise the International Olympiad for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA for short) in Austria and the annual organisation of the associated IOAA-Austria selection competition. Hereby, students can qualify for the international competition and are then accompanied to it by us. On the one hand, this is intended to increase interest in astronomy and related STEM subjects among young people and, on the other, to strengthen the development of international contacts with regard to the promotion of astronomy and astrophysics in schools.